Daily Archives: January 17, 2011

Quitting – Day 2 – 11:08 am

Cigarettes smoked today:  Zero

Distractions Used:  gum chewing – two pieces

Overall feeling:  Kinda twitchy.  Not missing the nicotine, but just twitchy about not having a cigarette.

Attitude:  Not too bad.  Temper seems pretty even right now, though my eyes feel like I haven’t slept very well.

Things I have learned so far:  It is possible to make the daily commute without smoking.  Coffee is your friend.  It is possible to chew gum really, really hard.

Things I have learned not to do:  Leave the nicotine patch on when sleeping.  Man, that just gives you some crazy, crazy dreams.

Songs that are, for some reason, stuck in my head:  “In the Name of Love” by U2.  Didn’t even hear it on the radio coming in, but there you go.

So here we are on Day 2 of the quitting smoking saga.  So far so good.  Haven’t lost my temper in a serious way.  Little things that might normally annoy me are still doing that, but we are squashing those feelings as counterproductive.Ahh, poor, poor angst.  Crushed under the cartoon weight of justice.  squish

Not sure why squishing angst is equal to justice, but hey, your looking at the guy that came up with the idea of “lung spiders”.

It’s entirely possible I’m not normal.

It’s now 12:30 pm.  Still not cigs.  The day trudges on.

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