Daily Archives: January 18, 2011

Quitting – Day 3 – 10:39 pm

Cigarettes smoked – Zero

Emotional State:  Jitters beginning to slightly subside

Physical state:  Weird hot flashes have appeared.

Sleep cycle:  Decided to leave the patches on overnight.  Dreams seem to have calmed down, and I don’t really, REALLY want a cigarette in the morning.

Morning Commute:  Not bad.  The driving works well as a distraction, I think, and I’m not really missing it.

Coffee consumed:  I believe the proper, government standard of weights and measures would place the amount of coffee I have consumed at an English shit-ton.

Gum Chewed:  Lots.  Lots and Lots.  And it is chewed with vigor, like a wildebeast gnawin away at a particularly tough blade of grass.

The desire to smoke is still there, but I think the body has normalized to receiving its nicotine from the magic patch rather than a ciagerette.  The urge is fading.  Very, very slowly.

Tomorrow is another day.


Filed under Quitting