Quitting – Day 4 and 5 – 12:16 pm

Cigarettes smoked – 1 on day four

Had a pretty stressful day yesterday, and broke down and smoked a cigarette. Just one, but it still makes the day overall a failure in the quitting game.  Going strong today, so far.  Patch is on, but feeling awfully jumpy for some reason.  Not the most comfortable feeling in the world, but doing my best to maintain composure.


Filed under Quitting

2 responses to “Quitting – Day 4 and 5 – 12:16 pm

  1. Sunshine

    Hey buddy, if you had one instead of a whole pack, I’d say that’s a long way from failure! I know you want to be able to quit cold turkey, but you’re doing amazing for your first week!!

  2. I disagree that makes you a failure. Nicotine regulates dopamine production in the brain, which makes it a VERY potent addictive substance; some doctors say worse than heroin. So go easy on yourself. It’s called “quitting” smoking, not “quit and never ever smoke again…ing.” One day at a time.

    One day at a time. (Sometimes, when it’s really bad, that becomes one MINUTE at a time, and that’s okay. Whatever gets you through.)

    Have you considered a cessation group? Online or in-person? And have you talked to your doctor? Prescription Wellbutrin can help with quitting, if you’re open to considering it.

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